
HPGR Pro - Grinding has never been better

September 01, 2022

The next-generation HPGR Pro is the world’s most sustainable high pressure grinding roll,...


Интеллектуальный метод обслуживания оборудования

January 07, 2022

Стратегия упреждающего обслуживания позволяет выявить проблемы до того, как они превратятся в...


Centro de Colaboração Digital

October 25, 2021

Pouco mais de um ano após a inauguração, o FLSmidth Digital Collaboration Center tornou-se um...


Digital holds the key to pump optimisation

October 13, 2021

Brad Moralee, Head of Global Product Line Management for Pumps, Cyclones Valves Adding...


Complete mine optimisation: From Digital to...

October 12, 2021

Mark Fielder, Head of Service Line Management Rebecca Siwale, Director Productivity Digital...


The MissionZero Mine, the sustainable mining...

September 22, 2021

60 secs with Wayne Douglas, Global Head of RD - Mining. Discover the sustainable mining flowsheet...


Optimal mill loading with LoadIQ Smart sensor...

September 22, 2021

You don’t need to upgrade your mill to increase throughput – you just need to make the most of...


Throwback to MINExpo 2021 - The MissionZero Mine

September 17, 2021

It's a wrap on an exceptional MINExpo 2021 in Las Vegas. The event not only saw the successful...