
Placas de Desgaste para Trituradores...

September 14, 2020

Las placas de desgaste de alta calidad para trituradores hacen la diferencia en el rendimiento a...


Defletores radiais de espuma: otimize sua...

September 07, 2020

A estabilidade da espuma é o que mais afeta a recuperação e o teor do flotado em sua célula de...


Радиальные пеноподъемники: важность повышения...

September 03, 2020

Во флотационной камере стабильность пенной фазы является основным фактором, влияющим на степень и...


Crowders de Espuma Radiales: El valor de una...

August 20, 2020

La fase de estabilidad de espuma es un factor relevante que afecta el volumen y el grado de lo...


FerroCer® Paneles de Impacto Antidesgaste

July 27, 2020

FerroCer® Paneles de Impacto Antidesgaste – brindan la vida útil más larga. FerroCer® Paneles de...


FerroCer® Футеровочные Панели

July 29, 2020

Футеровочные Панели FerroCer® обеспечивают максимально возможный срок службы оборудования....


Excel™ Wide Path™ Under Carriage system vs OEM...

July 21, 2020

Discover how Wide Path™ can improve your process. Put an end to your battle with toenailing and...

Interactive Flowsheet

Radial Froth Crowders: the value of improved...

June 29, 2020

Froth phase stability is a major factor that affects the amount and grade of what you can recover...


Expanded Delmas Service center in South Africa

March 28, 2019

The upgraded and expanded FLSmidth Delmas Service center in Mpumalanga, South Africa.


FLSmidth Hot Kiln Alignment

December 20, 2017

Keep your kiln running with optimal availability using FLSmidth hot kiln alignment program. The...


FLSmidth's PlantLine™ Service Agreement

December 20, 2017

Plantline Service Agreement covers FLSmidth’s automation equipment and software, with the name...

Environmental footprint

FLSmidth Airtech specialist talking about...

December 20, 2017

FLSmidth Airtech installing the filter equipped with longest bags in Tehran, Iran.