During this webinar you will learn about two (2) innovative wear solution products from FLSmidth:

  • FerroCer®

Learn how you can increase uptime and extend wear life in severe duty applications.

Danny Baric

Global Product Manager, Wear Solutions FerroCer®, FLSmidth

With 35+ years of experience in the mining industry and extensive knowledge in rubber hoses, cyclone parts, screen media, and wear liners. Danny excels at various problem solving methods. He is always looking for different ways to approach, solve and eliminate problems within the industry.

Roland Da Silva

Global Product Manager, Wear Solutions WEAR MAX®, FLSmidth

Roland has more than 10 years experience working with ceramic wear solutions for FLSmdith and over 15 years experience in maintenance reliability and equipment manufacturing. Roland holds a business masters and engineering degree. His main responsibility is to provide cost effective wear resistant solutions that enhance FLSmidth equipment availability and manage a range of ceramic wear lining products globally.

Bernard Zavatone, Moderator

Vice President, Mining USA & Canada, FLSmidth

Motivated and practical team leader with a demonstrated history of supporting customers and driving business results in the mechanical and industrial engineering industry. Twenty seven years of experience at FLSmidth in engineering, field service, project execution, sales, product management with Bachelor of Science (BS) in Mechanical Engineering.