EV Crushing operation, maintenance and wear discussions & Apron Feeder upgrade
Maintaining your crusher installation and apron feeder correctly is essential for efficient and reliable operation.
Watch this video and learn how FLSmidth can help you towards smooth operations.
Wear parts is becoming an increasing focus in the cement industry, since the cost per tonnes produced is heavily dependent on your sourcing capabilities.
This will also be touched on in this video where we introduce the following offerings:
• Standard and high wear hammers.
• Hammer bolts
• Outlet grates
• EV retrofit, convert your old crusher to the latest design
• Apron feeder roller upgrade
Henrik is a Mechanical Engineer and has been working for FLSmidth since 1995 with main focus on Material Handling equipment.
Dennis is a Mechanical engineer, started in FLSmidth 2013
He has been focusing on Materials handling since he was hired.